1 vulnerable - 形容詞 - 脆弱な、傷つきやすい - She felt vulnerable after the breakup, her emotions raw and exposed.
2 heed - 動詞 - 注意する、気をつける - It's important to heed the advice of experienced hikers when venturing into unfamiliar terrain.
3 congestion - 名詞 - 混雑、密集 - The city's streets were filled with congestion during rush hour, making travel slow and frustrating.
4 discard - 動詞 - 捨てる、廃棄する - He decided to discard the old furniture and replace it with new, more modern pieces.
5 clumsy - 形容詞 - 不器用な、ぎこちない - Despite his best efforts, he remained clumsy with chopsticks, often dropping his food.
6 edible - 形容詞 - 食べられる、食用の - The chef assured us that the flowers were edible and added a unique flavor to the dish.
7 overdue - 形容詞 - 期限切れの、遅れた - The library books were long overdue, and she knew she needed to return them soon.
8 enrollment - 名詞 - 登録、入学 - Enrollment for the course reached capacity within hours of registration opening.
9 enlist - 動詞 - 入隊する、志願する - He decided to enlist in the army to serve his country and gain valuable experience.
10 resume - 動詞 - 再開する、再び始める - After taking a break to travel, she decided it was time to update her resume and start job hunting again.
11 weary - 形容詞 - 疲れた、疲労した - After a long day of hiking, they were weary and ready to rest.
12 custody - 名詞 - 保護、監護、拘留 - The parents fought for custody of their children during the divorce proceedings.
13 coalition - 名詞 - 連合、合同 - The political parties formed a coalition to gain a majority in the parliament.
14 disguise - 動詞 - 変装する、隠す - He wore a disguise to the masquerade ball, hoping to remain anonymous.
15 petition - 名詞 - 請願、嘆願書 - They started a petition to protest the construction of a new highway through their neighborhood.
16 daring - 形容詞 - 大胆な、勇敢な - His daring escape from the prison captivated the nation and inspired others to attempt their own.
17 thrive - 動詞 - 繁栄する、成功する - Despite the harsh conditions, the desert plants managed to thrive and even bloom.
18 descendant - 名詞 - 子孫、後裔 - She traced her ancestry back to a famous historical figure and proudly claimed to be his descendant.
19 decay - 動詞 - 腐敗する、衰退する - The old house showed signs of decay, with peeling paint and crumbling walls.
20 swell - 動詞 - 膨れる、腫れる - The ocean swell grew larger as the storm approached, making sailing dangerous.
21 bribe - 名詞 - わいろ、賄賂 - The corrupt official accepted a bribe in exchange for granting favors.
22 obsessed - 形容詞 - 取り憑かれた、夢中になった - She became obsessed with finding the lost treasure, spending all her time searching for clues.
23 overthrow - 動詞 - 打倒する、転覆させる - The rebels plotted to overthrow the oppressive regime and establish a new government.
24 itinerary - 名詞 - 旅程、行程表 - She carefully planned her itinerary for the trip, making sure to include all the must-see sights.
25 explicit - 形容詞 - 明確な、はっきりとした - The contract contained explicit instructions on how to proceed in case of a dispute.
26 lenient - 形容詞 - 寛大な、情け深い - The judge was known for being lenient with first-time offenders.
27 contemplate - 動詞 - 熟考する、考える - As she sat by the window, she contemplated the meaning of life and her place in the world.
28 concede - 動詞 - 認める、譲歩する - After a long debate, he finally conceded defeat and admitted he was wrong.
29 shrug - 動詞 - 肩をすくめる - He just shrugged his shoulders when asked about his plans for the weekend.
30 extravagant - 形容詞 - 浪費する、贅沢な - The wedding was extravagant, with hundreds of guests and a lavish banquet.
31 reconcile - 動詞 - 和解する、調停する - They tried to reconcile their differences and salvage their friendship.
32 exempt - 形容詞 - 免除された、除外された - The new law exempted small businesses from certain taxes.
33 notorious - 形容詞 - 悪名高い、評判の悪い - The town was notorious for its high crime rate and corrupt politicians.
34 hectic - 形容詞 - 忙しい、疲れ果てた - The office was always hectic on Monday mornings, with everyone rushing to catch up on work.
35 intact - 形容詞 - 無傷の、完全な - Despite the earthquake, the ancient temple remained intact and undamaged.
36 conform - 動詞 - 従う、一致する - She refused to conform to society's expectations and instead followed her own path.
37 hasty - 形容詞 - 急いだ、早まった - He made a hasty decision without considering all the consequences.
38 decisive - 形容詞 - 決定的な、断固とした - Her decisive leadership style helped the company navigate through tough times.
39 detain - 動詞 - 拘留する、抑留する - The police detained the suspect for questioning.
40 vicious - 形容詞 - 悪意のある、悪い - The vicious dog growled and bared its teeth, ready to attack.
41 summon - 動詞 - 呼び出す、召喚する - She received a summons to appear in court as a witness.
42 stale - 形容詞 - 新鮮でない、古くさい - The bread had gone stale, so she decided to make croutons out of it.
43 proclaim - 動詞 - 宣言する、公表する - The king proclaimed a national holiday to celebrate the victory.
44 serene - 形容詞 - 穏やかな、静かな - She found peace and serenity in the quiet countryside.
45 thaw - 動詞 - 解凍する、融解する - The warm weather caused the snow to thaw, revealing the first signs of spring.
46 mandatory - 形容詞 - 強制的な、義務的な - Wearing a seatbelt is mandatory for all passengers in the car.
47 nutritious - 形容詞 - 栄養価の高い、栄養のある - The salad was packed full of nutritious vegetables and protein.
48 halt - 動詞 - 停止する、中止する - The construction work came to a halt due to the heavy rain.
49 designate - 動詞 - 指定する、任命する - The parking lot was designated for employees only.
50 raid - 名詞 - 襲撃、急襲 - The police conducted a raid on the suspected drug den.
51 altitude - 名詞 - 高度、標高 - The airplane climbed to a cruising altitude of 30,000 feet.
52 discontent - 名詞 - 不満、不平 - There was growing discontent among the workers due to low wages.
53 unanimously - 副詞 - 満場一致で、全会一致で - The decision was approved unanimously by the board of directors.
54 complication - 名詞 - 合併症、複雑さ - The surgery was successful, but there were some complications during recovery.
55 fatality - 名詞 - 死亡、死亡者数 - The car accident resulted in one fatality and several injuries.
56 inmate - 名詞 - 収容者、収容者 - The prison was overcrowded, with each cell housing multiple inmates.
57 detour - 名詞 - 迂回、遠回り - They took a detour to avoid the traffic jam on the highway.
58 dedicated - 形容詞 - 献身的な、専用の - She was a dedicated teacher, always going above and beyond for her students.
59 relic - 名詞 - 遺物、遺跡 - The museum displayed ancient relics from the Roman Empire.
60 compulsory - 形容詞 - 強制的な、義務的な - Attendance at the meeting was compulsory for all employees.
61 perilous - 形容詞 - 危険な、危険な - The mountain climb was perilous, with steep cliffs and unpredictable weather.
62 filthy - 形容詞 - 不潔な、汚い - The abandoned house was filthy, with garbage strewn everywhere.
63 accord - 名詞 - 一致、合意 - The two nations signed a peace accord, ending years of conflict.
64 comply - 動詞 - 従う、順守する - He refused to comply with the new regulations, citing personal freedom.
65 stunned - 形容詞 - 驚愕した、驚愕した - She was stunned by the news of her promotion.
66 invalid - 形容詞 - 無効の、無効な - The coupon was invalid because it had expired.
67 unveil - 動詞 - 発表する、公開する - The company planned to unveil its new product at the trade show.
68 tedious - 形容詞 - 退屈な、うんざりする - The task of sorting through the paperwork was tedious and time-consuming.
69 commend - 動詞 - 称賛する、賞賛する - He commended her for her bravery in standing up for what she believed in.
70 intrigued - 形容詞 - 興味をそそられた、興味をそそられた - She was intrigued by the mysterious stranger who had moved in next door.
71 wither - 動詞 - しぼむ、枯れる - The flowers began to wither in the scorching heat.
72 interrogate - 動詞 - 尋問する、取り調べる - The police interrogated the suspect for hours, trying to get a confession.
73 composed - 形容詞 - 冷静な、落ち着いた - Despite the chaos around her, she remained composed and focused.
74 vocation - 名詞 - 職業、専門 - Teaching was more than just a job to her; it was her vocation.
75 correlation - 名詞 - 相関、相互関係 - There was a strong correlation between smoking and lung cancer.
76 obsolete - 形容詞 - 時代遅れの、廃れた - The old computer system was obsolete and needed to be replaced.
77 unwittingly - 副詞 - 知らずに、うっかりして - He unwittingly revealed the secret to his friend, not realizing the consequences.
78 abridged - 形容詞 - 要約された、縮約された - The abridged version of the novel was shorter but still captured the essence of the story.
79 correspondence - 名詞 - 通信、対応関係 - They communicated through email, exchanging regular correspondence.
80 perish - 動詞 - 死ぬ、滅びる - Without water, the plants will perish in the desert.
81 expire - 動詞 - 期限が切れる、終了する - The lease on the apartment will expire next month.
82 transmit - 動詞 - 送信する、伝える - The radio tower transmitted signals across the airwaves.
83 conventional - 形容詞 - 従来の、慣習的な - She preferred conventional methods of cooking over experimental ones.
84 strain - 名詞 - 負担、緊張 - The strain of caring for her sick mother was taking a toll on her health.
85 provoke - 動詞 - 刺激する、怒らせる - His rude comments provoked her into a heated argument.
86 retreat - 動詞 - 退却する、引き下がる - The soldiers were ordered to retreat in the face of overwhelming enemy forces.
87 exclusive - 形容詞 - 排他的な、独占的な - The country club was exclusive, with membership limited to the wealthy elite.
88 prejudice - 名詞 - 偏見、先入観 - She was a victim of prejudice because of her race.
89 divine - 形容詞 - 神聖な、神の - The ancient temple was considered to be a divine place of worship.
90 incorporate - 動詞 - 組み込む、取り入れる - The company decided to incorporate feedback from customers into their product design.
91 inflict - 動詞 - 加える、負わせる - The bully would often inflict pain on others to feel powerful.
92 demote - 動詞 - 降格する、格下げする - After the scandal, he was demoted to a lower position in the company.
93 mingle - 動詞 - 混ぜる、交じる - At the party, guests were encouraged to mingle and get to know each other.
94 temperament - 名詞 - 気質、性質 - His fiery temperament often got him into trouble.
95 unfold - 動詞 - 展開する、広げる - As the story unfolded, the true nature of the mystery became clear.
96 redundant - 形容詞 - 余分な、不必要な - The extra staff were made redundant when the company downsized.
97 omit - 動詞 - 省く、欠く - He decided to omit certain details from his report to avoid controversy.
98 conclusive - 形容詞 - 決定的な、最終的な - The evidence was conclusive, leaving no doubt about his guilt.
99 transparent - 形容詞 - 透明な、透けて見える - The company's finances were transparent, with all information available to shareholders.
100 ration - 名詞 - 割り当て、配給 - During the war, families had to ration food to make it last.
101 cozy - 形容詞 - 居心地の良い、ほっこりした - The cabin was small but cozy, with a fireplace and warm blankets.
102 sober - 形容詞 - 禁酒の、しらふの - After a night of heavy drinking, he woke up feeling sober and regretful.
103 privilege - 名詞 - 特権、特典 - It's a privilege to have access to quality education.
104 trespass - 動詞 - 不法侵入する、侵害する - The sign warned against trespassing on private property.
105 procession - 名詞 - 行列、行進 - The funeral procession wound its way through the streets, led by the hearse.
106 vain - 形容詞 - 虚栄心の強い、無駄な - She was vain and spent hours in front of the mirror, perfecting her appearance.
107 confer - 動詞 - 協議する、相談する - The committee will confer to decide on the best course of action.
108 allegation - 名詞 - 主張、申し立て - The police investigated the allegation of theft.
109 deduct - 動詞 - 控除する、差し引く - You can deduct certain expenses from your taxes to lower your taxable income.
110 feasible - 形容詞 - 実行可能な、可能性のある - The plan seemed feasible, but it would require careful execution.
111 oppress - 動詞 - 抑圧する、圧迫する - The dictator oppressed his people, denying them basic rights and freedoms.
112 entrust - 動詞 - 任せる、委ねる - She entrusted her children to the care of their grandparents while she was away.
113 sturdy - 形容詞 - 頑丈な、丈夫な - The old oak tree was sturdy and withstood many storms.
114 conspire - 動詞 - 共謀する、陰謀を企てる - The two criminals conspired to rob the bank.
115 exert - 動詞 - 行使する、及ぼす - She exerted all her strength to lift the heavy box.
116 grumble - 動詞 - 不平を言う、不満を漏らす - He would often grumble about his long commute to work.
117 prosecute - 動詞 - 起訴する、訴追する - The district attorney decided to prosecute the case.
118 delegate - 動詞 - 代表に任せる、委任する - She delegated the task to her assistant so she could focus on more important matters.
119 tremble - 動詞 - 震える、ふるえる - She trembled with fear as she approached the haunted house.
120 earnest - 形容詞 - 真剣な、まじめな - His earnest plea convinced them to reconsider their decision.
121 accommodate - 動詞 - 収容する、適応する - The hotel was able to accommodate their request for a late checkout.
122 expertise - 名詞 - 専門知識、技能 - She relied on his expertise to solve the complex problem.
123 graze - 動詞 - 草を食う、かする - The cattle grazed peacefully in the pasture.
124 erupt - 動詞 - 噴火する、爆発する - The volcano erupted, sending plumes of ash into the sky.
125 withstand - 動詞 - 耐える、抵抗する - The bridge was built to withstand earthquakes and strong winds.
126 fascination - 名詞 - 魅力、魅了 - She had a fascination with ancient history and spent hours reading about it.
127 venue - 名詞 - 会場、開催地 - The concert venue was packed with excited fans.
128 validity - 名詞 - 有効性、妥当性 - The validity of his argument was questioned by the opposition.
129 outweigh - 動詞 - 上回る、勝る - The benefits of the new policy outweighed the drawbacks.
130 withdraw - 動詞 - 撤退する、引き出す - She decided to withdraw her candidacy for personal reasons.
131 deceased - 形容詞 - 故人の、死亡した - The deceased left behind a sizable inheritance for his family.
132 adaptation - 名詞 - 適応、順応 - The adaptation of the novel was well-received by audiences.
133 faculty - 名詞 - 能力、才能 - The university faculty consisted of esteemed professors from around the world.
134 artifact - 名詞 - 工芸品、人工物 - The archaeologist uncovered an ancient artifact buried in the sand.
135 diploma - 名詞 - 卒業証書、免状 - She proudly displayed her diploma on the wall of her office.
136 dictate - 動詞 - 指示する、命令する - The dictator dictated the terms of surrender to the defeated nation.
137 heap - 名詞 - 山、積み重ね - A heap of dirty laundry lay in the corner of the room.
138 ethical - 形容詞 - 倫理的な、道徳的な - It's important to consider the ethical implications of your actions.
139 subsidize - 動詞 - 助成金を支給する、補助する - The government subsidized the cost of housing for low-income families.
140 forthcoming - 形容詞 - 来るべき、将来の - The CEO promised to provide more information in the forthcoming meeting.
141 deficit - 名詞 - 赤字、不足 - The country faced a budget deficit due to overspending.
142 stain - 名詞 - 染み、しみ - The red wine left a stain on the white tablecloth.
143 oversight - 名詞 - 見落とし、監督 - The error was due to an oversight in the planning process.
144 defendant - 名詞 - 被告、被告人 - The defendant pleaded not guilty to the charges against him.
145 irrigate - 動詞 - 灌漑する、潅漑する - Farmers used irrigation to water their crops during the dry season.
146 nuisance - 名詞 - 迷惑、不快 - The barking dog was a nuisance to the neighbors.
147 dejected - 形容詞 - 意気消沈した、落胆した - He slumped in his chair, looking dejected after losing the game.
148 consecutive - 形容詞 - 連続した、連続的な - He won three consecutive championships in a row.
149 wretched - 形容詞 - 惨めな、不幸な - The homeless man lived a wretched existence on the streets.
150 distort - 動詞 - 歪曲する、ねじ曲げる - The funhouse mirrors distorted their reflections, making them look funny.
151 verify - 動詞 - 確認する、検証する - Please verify your email address to complete the registration process.
152 foe - 名詞 - 敵、敵対者 - He saw his rival as a dangerous foe to be defeated.
153 crooked - 形容詞 - 曲がった、ねじれた - The politician was known for his crooked dealings and corruption.
154 famine - 名詞 - 飢饉、飢饉 - The drought led to widespread famine in the region.
155 waver - 動詞 - 揺れる、ためらう - She wavered between two options, unable to make a decision.
156 indebted - 形容詞 - 負債のある、恩義がある - She was deeply indebted to her parents for supporting her through college.
157 indifferent - 形容詞 - 無関心な、無関係な - He was indifferent to the suffering of others, only concerned with his own interests.
158 gracious - 形容詞 - 親切な、丁寧な - She was gracious in defeat, congratulating her opponent with a smile.
159 unwarranted - 形容詞 - 無根拠の、正当化されない - His outburst was unwarranted, given the circumstances.
160 refrain - 動詞 - 控える、差し控える - Please refrain from talking during the movie.
161 consolidate - 動詞 - 統合する、合併する - The company decided to consolidate its operations in one location.
162 axis - 名詞 - 軸、中心 - The Earth rotates on its axis, causing day and night.
163 abruptly - 副詞 - 突然に、急に - He left the room abruptly, without saying a word.
164 dispense - 動詞 - 分配する、配布する - The vending machine dispensed snacks and drinks with the push of a button.
165 eloquent - 形容詞 - 雄弁な、口のうまい - Her eloquent speech moved the audience to tears.
166 vandalize - 動詞 - 破壊する、破壊行為をする - Vandals spray-painted graffiti on the walls of the building.
167 mediocre - 形容詞 - 並みの、平凡な - The restaurant received mediocre reviews for its food and service.
168 plunge - 動詞 - 突っ込む、飛び込む - The stock market took a plunge after the news of the economic downturn.
169 insistent - 形容詞 - 強硬な、しつこい - She was insistent on finishing the project on time, no matter what.
170 frailty - 名詞 - 虚弱、弱さ - The old man's frailty made it difficult for him to walk.
171 outsmart - 動詞 - 凌ぐ、出し抜く - She managed to outsmart her opponents with clever tactics.
172 casualty - 名詞 - 犠牲者、死傷者 - The hospital treated several casualties from the car accident.
173 bewilder - 動詞 - 当惑させる、途方に暮れさせる - The complex instructions bewildered him, leaving him unsure of what to do.
174 void - 形容詞 - 無効の、無視の - The contract was declared void due to a technicality.
175 perpetual - 形容詞 - 永遠の、絶え間ない - The perpetual motion machine was a scientific impossibility.
176 phobia - 名詞 - 恐怖症、恐怖症 - He had a phobia of spiders and would scream at the sight of one.
177 sibling - 名詞 - 兄弟姉妹、兄弟姉妹 - She had a close relationship with her siblings, despite their occasional disagreements.
178 orphan - 名詞 - 孤児、孤児 - The orphan longed for a family to call his own.
179 elaborate - 形容詞 - 手の込んだ、複雑な - She gave an elaborate explanation of the theory, leaving no detail out.
180 autograph - 名詞 - サイン、署名 - The fan asked for the actor's autograph on her program.
181 gratuity - 名詞 - チップ、心付け - The waiter received a generous gratuity for his excellent service.
182 startle - 動詞 - 驚かせる、驚く - The loud noise made her startle and drop her phone.
183 stagger - 動詞 - よろめく、ためらう - He staggered under the weight of the heavy box.
184 resolute - 形容詞 - 断固とした、決意の - She remained resolute in her decision, despite the objections of others.
185 dread - 動詞 - 恐れる、恐れ - She felt a sense of dread as the deadline approached.
186 fabricate - 動詞 - でっち上げる、作り上げる - The tabloid magazine fabricated stories to sell more copies.
187 tickle - 動詞 - くすぐる、ほくそ笑む - The feather tickled her nose, making her giggle.
188 adverse - 形容詞 - 逆の、不利な - The adverse weather conditions forced the cancellation of the event.
189 dismal - 形容詞 - 暗い、陰鬱な - The outlook for the economy was dismal, with no signs of improvement.
190 contagious - 形容詞 - 感染性の、伝染性の - Laughter is contagious, spreading quickly from person to person.
191 clerical - 事務の、事務的な(形容詞) - She works in a clerical position at the local government office.
192 nurture - 養育、育成(名詞)、育てる、育成する(動詞) - Parents must nurture their children's talents and interests.
193 finite - 有限の、限定された(形容詞) - Natural resources are finite and should be used wisely.
194 simultaneous - 同時の、同時に起こる(形容詞) - The two events occurred simultaneously, making it difficult to attend both.
195 strive - 努力する、奮闘する(動詞) - Despite the challenges, she continued to strive for excellence in her career.
196 humidity - 湿気、湿度(名詞) - The humidity in the tropical region made it difficult to breathe.
197 touchy - 扱いにくい、敏感な(形容詞) - Be careful what you say; he's touchy about his weight.
198 apprentice - 見習い、見習い職人(名詞)、見習いとして働く(動詞) - He started as an apprentice in his father's carpentry shop.
199 pious - 敬虔な、信心深い(形容詞) - She was known for her pious devotion to her religious beliefs.
200 shatter - 粉々に砕く、打ち砕く(動詞) - The loud noise seemed to shatter the fragile silence of the night.
201 treacherous - 危険な、不誠実な(形容詞) - The mountain path was treacherous and required caution.
202 instill - 注入する、吹き込む(動詞) - Parents aim to instill good values in their children from a young age.
203 entangle - 纏わせる、もつれさせる(動詞) - The fisherman's net became entangled in the underwater debris.
204 convince - ~を納得させる、確信させる(動詞) - He tried to convince his boss to approve the new project proposal.
205 ingredient - 材料、成分(名詞) - Fresh vegetables are essential ingredients for a healthy salad.
206 drawback - 欠点、不利な点(名詞) - One drawback of living in the countryside is the lack of public transportation.
207 drought - 干ばつ(名詞) - The prolonged drought devastated the crops and led to food shortages.
208 inquiry - 問い合わせ、調査(名詞) - The police conducted an inquiry to determine the cause of the accident.
209 conservation - 保存、保護(名詞) - The conservation of endangered species is crucial for biodiversity.
210 infectious - 伝染性の、感染性の(形容詞) - Laughter is infectious and can spread joy among people.
211 controversial - 物議をかもす、論争を引き起こす(形容詞) - The new government policy sparked controversial debates among citizens.
212 brochure - パンフレット、冊子(名詞) - She picked up a brochure from the tourist information center.
213 hazardous - 危険な、危険を伴う(形容詞) - Working with chemicals without proper protection can be hazardous to your health.
214 distract - 気を散らす、そらす(動詞) - The loud noise outside distracted her from her studies.
215 circulation - 循環、発行部数(名詞) - The newspaper has a large circulation, reaching millions of readers daily.
216 admission - 入場、入場許可(名詞) - Admission to the museum is free for children under five years old.
217 digestion - 消化(名詞) - Proper chewing aids in the digestion of food in the stomach.
218 alteration - 変更、改変(名詞) - The tailor made alterations to the dress to ensure a perfect fit.
219 violation - 違反、侵害(名詞) - Speeding is a violation of traffic laws and can result in fines.
220 suspend - 一時停止する、中断する(動詞) - The company decided to suspend operations temporarily due to financial difficulties.
221 coverage - 補償範囲、報道範囲(名詞) - The news coverage of the event was extensive, with reporters from all major networks present.
222 evacuate - 避難する、疎開させる(動詞) - Residents were forced to evacuate their homes due to the approaching hurricane.
223 hygiene - 衛生、衛生学(名詞) - Good personal hygiene practices include regular handwashing and dental care.
224 accusation - 告発、非難(名詞) - He vehemently denied the accusations of stealing from his coworker.
225 prescribe - 処方する、指示する(動詞) - The doctor will prescribe antibiotics to treat the bacterial infection.
226 unearth - 発掘する、明らかにする(動詞) - Archaeologists unearthed ancient artifacts during the excavation.
227 stem - 茎、幹(名詞)、生じる、由来する(動詞) - The stem of the plant provides support and transports water and nutrients.
228 obligation - 義務、責務(名詞) - Paying taxes is a civic obligation for all citizens.
229 reign - 統治、支配(名詞)、統治する、支配する(動詞) - Queen Elizabeth II's reign as monarch has spanned several decades.
230 overstate - 誇張する、大げさに言う(動詞) - It would be unfair to overstate his role in the project's success.
231 compliment - お世辞、ほめ言葉(名詞)、称賛する(動詞) - She blushed at the unexpected compliment from her coworker.
232 narrowly - 辛うじて、かろうじて(副詞) - He narrowly escaped injury in the car accident.
233 disrupt - 混乱させる、妨げる(動詞) - The construction work disrupted traffic flow in the city center.
234 devastate - 荒廃させる、壊滅させる(動詞) - The hurricane devastated entire communities along the coast.
235 quota - 割り当て、定額(名詞) - Each country has a quota for the amount of carbon emissions allowed.
236 disturbance - 騒ぎ、騒動(名詞) - The loud disturbance from the party kept the neighbors awake all night.
237 competent - 能力を持った、有能な(形容詞) - She proved herself to be a competent leader during the crisis.
238 substitute - 代わりのもの、代理人(名詞)、代わる、代理をする(動詞) - Soy milk is a popular substitute for cow's milk among vegans.
239 attribute - 特性、属性(名詞)、~のせいにする、~に帰する(動詞) - She attributes her success to hard work and perseverance.
240 doom - 運命、破滅(名詞)、運命づける、破滅させる(動詞) - The prophet's grim predictions spelled doom for the kingdom.
241 precedent - 前例、先例(名詞)、先行の、前例となる(形容詞) - This case sets a precedent for future legal decisions.
242 literally - 文字通りに、本当に(副詞) - He was literally jumping for joy when he received the good news.
243 perch - 止まり木、高台(名詞)、止まる、座る(動詞) - The bird found a comfortable perch on the branch.
244 array - 配列、勢ぞろい(名詞)、整列させる、配置する(動詞) - The store displayed a dazzling array of colorful clothing.
245 aspire - 熱望する、夢見る(動詞) - She aspires to become a successful entrepreneur one day.
246 invariably - 変わることなく、常に(副詞) - The train is invariably late on Mondays.
247 subsequent - 次の、後続の(形容詞) - The subsequent chapters of the book delve deeper into the protagonist's backstory.
248 envision - 想像する、予想する(動詞) - He envisioned a future where renewable energy sources powered the entire city.
249 uproot - 根こそぎにする、追い払う(動詞) - The family decided to uproot and move to a different country for a fresh start.
250 memoir - 回顧録、自叙伝(名詞) - The author's memoir chronicles her experiences growing up in a war-torn
251 initiate - 始める、導入する(動詞)、新入会員、新入生(名詞) - The company will initiate a new training program for its employees next month.
252 erode - 浸食する、腐食する(動詞) - The constant flow of water eroded the riverbank over time.
253 amicable - 友好的な、親善の(形容詞) - Despite their differences, they managed to come to an amicable agreement.
254 odor - におい、臭い(名詞) - The strong odor of garlic filled the kitchen as she cooked.
255 facilitate - 容易にする、促進する(動詞) - The new software is designed to facilitate communication between team members.
256 accumulate - 蓄積する、積み重ねる(動詞) - Dust tends to accumulate quickly in neglected areas of the house.
257 duration - 持続期間、継続時間(名詞) - The duration of the concert was three hours.
258 commemorate - 記念する、祝う(動詞) - The city will hold a ceremony to commemorate the anniversary of the historic event.
259 quote - 引用する、引用文(名詞)、引用する(動詞) - She likes to quote famous philosophers in her essays.
260 assure - 保証する、確信させる(動詞) - He assured his parents that he would be home before midnight.
261 testament - 証拠、証明、遺言(名詞) - His success in the competition was a testament to his hard work and dedication.
262 bleak - 荒涼とした、暗い(形容詞) - The future looked bleak after the company announced layoffs.
263 calamity - 災害、災難(名詞) - The earthquake was a calamity that affected thousands of people.
264 clutter - 散らかり、散らかったもの(名詞)、散らかる、乱雑にする(動詞) - She cleared away the clutter on her desk to create a more organized workspace.
265 afflict - 苦しめる、苦痛を与える(動詞) - The disease afflicts millions of people worldwide.
266 formidable - 手強い、恐るべき(形容詞) - The opposing team was a formidable opponent in the championship match.
267 paraphrase - 言い換える、要約する(動詞)、言い換え、要約(名詞) - He paraphrased the passage to make it easier to understand.
268 remainder - 残り、残り物(名詞) - After selling most of their belongings, they donated the remainder to charity.
269 converge - 集まる、一点に集まる(動詞) - The roads converge at the city center.
270 admittedly - 確かに、認めるところによると(副詞) - Admittedly, I haven't finished reading the book yet.
271 traitor - 裏切り者、反逆者(名詞) - He was labeled a traitor for leaking classified information.
272 indisputable - 議論の余地のない、明白な(形容詞) - The evidence presented was indisputable and convinced the jury of his guilt.
273 ingenuity - 独創性、創意工夫(名詞) - The inventor's ingenuity led to the creation of groundbreaking technology.
274 endow - 寄付する、授ける(動詞) - The wealthy philanthropist decided to endow a scholarship fund for underprivileged students.
275 burglary - 空き巣、侵入窃盗(名詞) - The neighborhood experienced a series of burglaries last month.
276 sizzle - シューシューと音を立てる(動詞)、シューシューという音(名詞) - The steak sizzled on the hot grill.
277 timid - 臆病な、おどおどした(形容詞) - She was too timid to speak up in meetings.
278 authorize - 許可する、権限を与える(動詞) - Only the manager can authorize overtime for employees.
279 preconceived - 偏見のある、先入観のある(形容詞) - She tried to approach the project without any preconceived notions.
280 devour - むさぼり食う、むさぼる(動詞) - He devoured the entire pizza in minutes.
281 gush - 噴出する、ほとばしる(動詞) - She couldn't help but gush over her adorable new puppy.
282 plague - 疫病、災い(名詞)、疫病にかかる、悩ます(動詞) - The region was hit by a plague of locusts, destroying crops.
283 sob - すすり泣く、泣きじゃくる(動詞)、すすり泣き(名詞) - She couldn't help but sob when she heard the tragic news.
284 malicious - 悪意のある、意地の悪い(形容詞) - The virus was a malicious attempt to disrupt computer systems.
285 scrutiny - 精査、検査(名詞) - The company's financial records came under intense scrutiny during the audit.
286 incomprehensible - 理解できない、わからない(形容詞) - The professor's lecture was incomprehensible to most of the students.
287 reap - 刈り取る、収穫する(動詞) - If you work hard, you will reap the rewards of your efforts.
288 miscellaneous - さまざまな、雑多な(形容詞) - The drawer was filled with miscellaneous items, including pens, rubber bands, and paper clips.
289 articulate - はっきり述べる、話す(動詞)、はっきり述べた、明瞭な(形容詞) - She was known for her ability to articulate complex ideas clearly.
290 allocate - 割り当てる、配分する(動詞) - The budget committee needs to allocate funds for the upcoming projects.
291 wag - 振る、振動させる(動詞)、振ること、揺れ(名詞) - The dog wagged its tail excitedly when its owner returned home.
292 remorseful - 後悔している、悔恨の念にかられた(形容詞) - He felt remorseful for his actions and apologized sincerely.
293 crave - 切望する、渇望する(動詞) - Pregnant women often crave unusual food combinations.
294 evaporate - 蒸発する、消滅する(動詞) - The puddle of water evaporated quickly under the hot sun.
295 apprehension - 懸念、不安、逮捕(名詞) - She felt a sense of apprehension before her first day at a new job.
296 excerpt - 抜粋、引用(名詞)、抜粋する、引用する(動詞) - The book contained an excerpt from the author's latest novel.
297 ordeal - 試練、苦難(名詞) - Surviving the plane crash was a harrowing ordeal for the passengers.
298 mourn - 哀悼する、悲しむ(動詞) - The family gathered to mourn the loss of their beloved grandmother.
299 autopsy - 検死、死体解剖(名詞) - The coroner conducted an autopsy to determine the cause of death.
300 fury - 激怒、猛威(名詞) - His face turned red with fury when he heard the news.
301 abort - 中止する、中絶する(動詞) - The mission had to be aborted due to inclement weather.
302 pretext - 口実、弁解(名詞) - He used a minor injury as a pretext to skip work.
303 recurrent - 再発する、繰り返し起こる(形容詞) - The patient's recurrent headaches required further investigation.
304 installment - 分割払い、回数払い(名詞) - She paid off the loan in monthly installments.
305 amendment - 修正、改正、修正案(名詞) - The proposed amendment to the constitution sparked heated debate.
306 conceited - うぬぼれた、思い上がった(形容詞) - His conceited attitude made him unpopular with his coworkers.
307 intoxicated - 酔っ払った、酩酊した(形容詞) - The driver was arrested for driving while intoxicated.
308 deception - 欺瞞、だますこと(名詞) - The con artist used deception to swindle unsuspecting victims.
309 inherent - 固有の、本来備わった(形容詞) - There are inherent risks associated with skydiving.
310 ballot - 投票、投票用紙(名詞)、投票する(動詞) - Voters cast their ballots in the election.
311 plea - 嘆願、懇願、弁護(名詞) - The defendant entered a plea of not guilty.
312 loathe - 嫌悪する、ひどく嫌がる(動詞) - She loathed doing the dishes after dinner.
313 secluded - 隠れた、人里離れた(形容詞) - The secluded beach was a perfect spot for a quiet vacation.
314 herald - 先触れ、先駆者、布告する、告げ知らせる(動詞) - The arrival of the cherry blossoms heralds the beginning of spring.
315 integrity - 誠実 (noun) - He was admired for his honesty and integrity.
316 defy - 挑む (verb) - The young activist defied the odds and achieved her goals.
317 crumble - 崩れる (verb) - The old building began to crumble due to neglect.
318 embark - 乗り出す (verb) - They decided to embark on a journey around the world.
319 breach - 侵害 (noun/verb) - The data breach compromised sensitive information.
320 superstition - 迷信 (noun) - Some people believe that breaking a mirror brings seven years of bad luck.
321 intelligible - 理解できる (adjective) - Even though he was speaking quickly, his words were still intelligible.
322 uproar - 騒動 (noun) - The announcement caused an uproar among the crowd.
323 upside - 上向き (noun/adjective) - One upside of the job is the opportunity for international travel.
324 intricate - 複雑な (adjective) - The intricate design of the stained glass window was breathtaking.
325 compatible - 互換性のある (adjective) - Their personalities are so compatible; they get along perfectly.
326 concession - 譲歩 (noun) - The company made a concession by offering free shipping to loyal customers.
327 abstain - 控える (verb) - She decided to abstain from voting because she couldn't make up her mind.
328 condensation - 凝結 (noun) - Condensation formed on the windows during the cold winter night.
329 assorted - 詰め合わせた (adjective) - The gift basket contained an assorted selection of chocolates.
330 preclude - 妨げる (verb) - His previous experience will not preclude him from applying for the position.
331 yardstick - 基準 (noun) - Quality is the yardstick by which we measure our success.
332 mischievous - いたずらな (adjective) - The mischievous kitten knocked over the vase and then ran away.
333 hypocritical - 偽善的な (adjective) - It's hypocritical to criticize others for their actions when you're guilty of the same behavior.
334 deserted - 見捨てられた (adjective) - The deserted town had an eerie, abandoned feeling to it.
335 savage - 野蛮な (adjective/noun) - The savage beast roamed the forest, terrifying all who encountered it.
336 stingy - けちな (adjective) - He's so stingy; he never likes to spend money on anything.
337 foil - 破砕する (verb/noun) - The detective was determined to catch the criminal and foil his plans.
338 implication - 含意 (noun) - His silence seemed to carry a deeper implication that nobody understood.
339 conditional - 条件付きの (adjective) - The offer was conditional upon the completion of a background check.
340 archaic - 古風な (adjective) - The language used in the ancient text was archaic and difficult to understand.
341 observant - 注意深い (adjective) - She's very observant and notices even the smallest details.
342 cramp - 痙攣 (noun/verb) - She got a cramp in her leg from sitting in the same position for too long.
343 resurgence - 復活 (noun) - There has been a resurgence of interest in traditional crafts.
344 immortality - 不滅 (noun) - Legends say that drinking from the Fountain of Youth grants immortality.
345 potent - 効力のある (adjective) - The medicine was potent and quickly relieved her pain.
346 curfew - 夜間外出禁止令 (noun) - There's a strict curfew in place for minors in this neighborhood.
347 depiction - 描写 (noun) - The artist's depiction of the sunset was incredibly lifelike.
348 deliberately - 故意に (adverb) - He deliberately avoided the topic because he didn't want to upset her.
349 remnant - 残り (noun) - The ruins were the only remnant of the ancient civilization.
350 precaution - 予防措置 (noun) - As a precaution, she always carries pepper spray when walking alone at night.
351 intimidate - 脅す (verb) - The aggressive behavior of the larger dog seemed to intimidate the smaller one.
352 sluggish - 不活発な (adjective) - After a heavy meal, she felt sluggish and sleepy.
353 mediator - 仲介者 (noun) - The mediator helped the two parties reach a compromise during the negotiations.
354 shrewd - 抜け目のない (adjective) - She's a shrewd businesswoman who knows how to make profitable deals.
355 loophole - 抜け穴 (noun) - He found a legal loophole that allowed him to avoid paying taxes.
356 poach - 密漁する (verb) - It's illegal to poach wild animals in this national park.
357 insoluble - 不溶解の (adjective) - The problem seemed insoluble, with no clear solution in sight.
358 diligent - 勤勉な (adjective) - He's a diligent student who always completes his assignments on time.
359 forge - 鍛造する (verb/noun) - The two nations agreed to forge a new alliance for mutual benefit.
360 intermittently - 断続的に (adverb) - The rain fell intermittently throughout the day, never letting up completely.
361 constitute - 構成する (verb) - These actions constitute a violation of company policy.
362 lure - 誘惑する (verb/noun) - The promise of adventure lured him into exploring the uncharted wilderness.
363 ambiguous - 曖昧な (adjective) - The instructions were so ambiguous that nobody knew what to do.
364 autonomy - 自主性 (noun) - The country fought for autonomy and independence from colonial rule.
365 contradictory - 矛盾した (adjective) - His statements were contradictory, leaving everyone confused about his true intentions.
366 roster - 名簿 (noun) - The coach posted the team roster for the upcoming game.
367 nauseous - 吐き気を催させる (adjective) - The smell of the garbage made her feel nauseous.
368 coherent - 一貫した (adjective) - His argument was clear and coherent, convincing everyone in the room.
369 acute - 鋭い (adjective) - The doctor diagnosed her with an acute case of food poisoning.
370 ridicule - あざける (verb/noun) - He ridiculed her for her unconventional beliefs.
371 bashful - 内気な (adjective) - She's too bashful to speak up in front of a large crowd.
372 prone - 傾向がある (adjective) - He's prone to making impulsive decisions without considering the consequences.
373 avail - 役立つ (verb/noun) - Despite his best efforts, his attempts to negotiate were of no avail.
374 immerse - 浸す (verb) - She likes to immerse herself in a good book to escape reality.
375 verge - 瀬戸際 (noun) - She stood on the verge of tears after hearing the news.
376 endorse - 支持する (verb) - The celebrity endorsed the new product in a series of commercials.
377 tragic - 悲劇的な (adjective) - The story of the Titanic is a tragic tale of loss and sacrifice.
378 tender - 優しい (adjective/noun/verb) - The meat was so tender that it practically melted in my mouth.
379 feeble - 弱々しい (adjective) - His feeble attempts at humor fell flat with the audience.
380 magnify - 拡大する (verb) - The microscope allowed us to magnify the tiny organisms to see them more clearly.
381 testimony - 証言 (noun) - Her testimony was crucial in convicting the suspect.
382 soak - 浸す (verb/noun) - She liked to soak in a hot bath after a long day at work.
383 scatter - 散らす (verb) - The wind scattered the leaves across the lawn.
384 litter - 散らかす (verb/noun) - He was fined for littering in the park.
385 dispatch - 発送する (verb/noun) - The courier company dispatches packages all over the world.
386 arrogant - 傲慢な (adjective) - His arrogant attitude alienated him from his coworkers.
387 tame - 飼いならされた (adjective/verb) - The once wild horse had become tame after being trained.
388 suppress - 抑える (verb) - The government attempted to suppress dissent among the population.
389 rigid - 厳格な (adjective) - His rigid adherence to the rules made him unpopular with his subordinates.
390 disgrace - 不名誉 (noun/verb) - His behavior brought disgrace upon his family's name.
391 abolish - 廃止する (verb) - The government decided to abolish the outdated law.
392 coarse - 粗い (adjective) - The fabric was rough and coarse against her skin.
393 cowardly - 臆病な (adjective) - His cowardly behavior during the crisis disappointed everyone.
394 petty - ささいな (adjective) - She couldn't stand his petty complaints about minor issues.
395 detention - 拘置 (noun) - He received detention for being late to class.
396 blunt - 鈍い (adjective/verb) - She was known for her blunt honesty, sometimes to a fault.
397 extensive - 広範囲な (adjective) - The library had an extensive collection of rare books.
398 dismiss - 解雇する (verb) - The judge decided to dismiss the case due to lack of evidence.
399 riot - 暴動 (noun/verb) - The protest turned into a violent riot, causing chaos in the streets.
400 fierce - 激しい (adjective) - The fierce windstorm uprooted trees and damaged buildings.
401 herd - 群れ (noun/verb) - A herd of cattle grazed peacefully in the meadow.
402 bureau - 局 (noun) - She kept her files organized in the filing bureau.
403 wreck - 壊滅させる (verb/noun) - The abandoned shipwreck attracted many divers.
404 impair - 損なう (verb) - His vision impairment made it difficult for him to read small print.
405 bait - おとり (noun/verb) - The fish took the bait and was hooked.
406 mutual - 相互の (adjective) - They had a mutual understanding and respect for each other.
407 diagram - 図表 (noun) - The diagram illustrated the process step by step.
408 distress - 苦悩 (noun/verb) - She felt great distress upon hearing the tragic news.
409 expel - 追放する (verb) - The school decided to expel the troublemaker for his disruptive behavior.
410 rotten - 腐った (adjective) - The fruit was rotten and emitted a foul odor.
411 tentative - 仮の (adjective) - She made tentative plans for the weekend, unsure of her schedule.
412 defective - 欠陥のある (adjective) - The product was recalled due to a defective part.
413 legible - 判読可能な (adjective) - Please make sure your handwriting is legible on the form.
414 pluck - 引き抜く (verb/noun) - She plucked a flower from the garden and tucked it behind her ear.
415 evade - 回避する (verb) - He tried to evade the question by changing the subject.
416 glossary - 用語集 (noun) - The glossary at the end of the textbook provided definitions for key terms.
417 righteous - 正しい (adjective) - His righteous anger fueled his determination to seek justice.
418 decode - 解読する (verb) - She tried to decode the encrypted message using a cipher.
419 drowsy - 眠い (adjective) - The medication made her feel drowsy and lethargic.
420 strangle - 絞め殺す (verb) - The vines seemed to strangle the life out of the tree.
421 deflate - 空気を抜く (verb) - He had to deflate the air mattress before packing it away.
422 dubious - 疑わしい (adjective) - She gave him a dubious look, not sure if she believed his story.
423 tease - からかう (verb/noun) - He liked to tease his little sister by hiding her toys.
424 concise - 簡潔な (adjective) - His presentation was clear and concise, covering all the main points.
425 sequel - 続編 (noun) - The movie's sequel was even more successful than the original.
426 stumble - つまずく (verb/noun) - She stumbled over the uneven pavement and nearly fell.
427 gloomy - 暗い (adjective) - The weather forecast predicted gloomy skies and rain for the weekend.
428 harsh - 厳しい (adjective) - His harsh words hurt her feelings deeply.
429 procedure - 手続き (noun) - The doctor explained the surgical procedure in detail.
430 pose - 姿勢 (noun/verb) - She posed for a photograph with a big smile on her face.
431 institution - 機関 (noun) - The university is a respected institution known for its academic excellence.
432 relieve - 和らげる (verb) - Taking a walk in the park helped to relieve her stress.
433 tuition - 授業料 (noun) - The university increased tuition fees for the upcoming academic year.
434 invasion - 侵略 (noun) - The invasion of foreign troops sparked widespread protests.
435 dispute - 論争 (noun/verb) - The neighbors had a long-standing dispute over the property boundary.
436 treaty - 条約 (noun) - The two countries signed a peace treaty to end the conflict.
437 authentic - 本物の (adjective) - The antique vase was confirmed to be authentic by experts.
438 decent - まともな (adjective) - He was known for his decent behavior and respectful attitude.
439 trait - 特性 (noun) - Honesty is an admirable trait in a person.
440 compound - 化合物 (noun/verb/adjective) - The chemical compound reacted violently when mixed with water.
441 degrade - 低下させる (verb) - Pollution continues to degrade the quality of our environment.
442 medieval - 中世の (adjective) - The castle was built in the medieval period.
443 steep - 険しい (adjective/verb) - The path became steep as they climbed higher up the mountain.
444 chore - 雑用 (noun) - Doing the dishes is one of my least favorite household chores.
445 replicate - 複製する (verb/adjective) - The scientist tried to replicate the results of the experiment with similar conditions.
446 embrace - 抱擁する (verb/noun) - She embraced her friend warmly when they finally met after a long time.
447 stray - 道に迷う (verb/adjective) - The stray cat found shelter under the porch during the rainstorm.
448 retrieve - 取り戻す (verb) - He reached into his pocket to retrieve his keys.
449 graphic - グラフィックの (adjective/noun) - The graphic images in the documentary left a lasting impression on the viewers.
450 ritual - 儀式 (noun/adjective) - Lighting candles on the altar was part of their daily ritual.
451 discriminate - 区別する (verb) - It is illegal to discriminate against someone based on their race or gender.
452 equivalent - 同等の (adjective/noun) - The two documents are equivalent in meaning, despite being written in different languages.
453 seal - 封をする (verb/noun) - The letter was closed with a wax seal bearing the family crest.
454 fraud - 詐欺 (noun) - The company was accused of committing financial fraud.
455 ethnic - 民族の (adjective/noun) - The city's population is diverse, with many different ethnic groups represented.
456 brisk - きびきびした (adjective) - They went for a brisk walk in the morning to wake themselves up.
457 furious - 怒り狂った (adjective) - She was furious when she found out her car had been towed.
458 impede - 妨げる (verb) - The fallen tree impeded their progress along the trail.
459 subjective - 主観的な (adjective) - Beauty is subjective and varies from person to person.
460 insult - 侮辱する (verb/noun) - He felt insulted by her rude remark.
461 impose - 課す (verb) - The government decided to impose stricter regulations on pollution.
462 curse - 呪い (noun/verb) - The curse of the pharaohs was said to bring misfortune to those who disturbed their tombs.
463 blurry - ぼやけた (adjective) - The photograph was blurry and out of focus.
464 flaw - 欠陥 (noun) - The diamond had a small flaw that affected its value.
465 anthem - 国歌 (noun) - The national anthem was played before the start of the game.
466 insane - 狂気の (adjective) - His plan to jump off the building was absolutely insane.
467 disgust - 嫌悪 (noun/verb) - The sight of the rotting food made her stomach churn with disgust.
468 intimate - 親密な (adjective/verb) - They shared an intimate moment under the stars.
469 vibrant - 活気に満ちた (adjective) - The city's nightlife is vibrant and lively.
470 exclaim - 叫ぶ (verb) - She couldn't help but exclaim in surprise when she saw the birthday cake.
471 sprain - 捻挫 (noun/verb) - He suffered a sprain in his ankle while playing basketball.
472 lump - 塊 (noun) - There was a lump in the gravy, indicating it hadn't been stirred properly.
473 inhale - 吸い込む (verb) - It's important to inhale deeply and slowly during breathing exercises.
474 impassable - 通行できない (adjective) - The road was impassable due to heavy snowfall.
475 nosy - 詮索好きな (adjective) - She's always prying into other people's business; she's so nosy.
476 erect - 直立した (adjective/verb) - The soldiers stood at attention, their spines erect and their eyes focused.
477 damp - 湿った (adjective/noun/verb) - The towels were still damp after being left out overnight.
478 attentive - 注意深い (adjective) - The teacher was attentive to the needs of each student in the class.
479 conviction - 確信 (noun) - She spoke with conviction, confident in her beliefs.
480 snatch - ひったくる (verb/noun) - The thief attempted to snatch her purse, but she held on tightly.
481 fussy - 気難しい (adjective) - He's a fussy eater and refuses to eat anything green.
482 diagonally - 対角線上に (adverb) - She cut the cake diagonally to create even slices.
483 salute - 敬礼する (verb/noun) - The soldiers lined up to salute their commanding officer.
484 hostage - 人質 (noun/verb) - The terrorists took several hostages during the siege.
485 comrade - 仲間 (noun) - He regarded his fellow soldiers as more than just comrades; they were like family.
486 slant - 傾斜 (noun/verb) - The news article slanted the facts to fit a particular narrative.
487 curb - 歩道の縁石 (名詞), 制限する (動詞) - The government introduced new measures to curb pollution levels in the city.
488 deformity - 変形、異形 (名詞) - His hand had a slight deformity, making it difficult for him to hold certain objects.
489 immeasurable - 計り知れない (形容詞) - The impact of her kindness was immeasurable, touching the lives of many.
490 recede - 後退する (動詞) - As the floodwaters recede, the extent of the damage becomes apparent.
491 frantic - 狂乱した、熱狂的な (形容詞) - She searched through her bag in a frantic attempt to find her keys.
492 editorial - 社説 (名詞), 編集の (形容詞) - The newspaper published an editorial criticizing the government's policies.
493 adorable - かわいい (形容詞) - The puppies were so adorable that everyone wanted to adopt them.
494 deflect - 反射する、逸らす (動詞) - The goalie managed to deflect the ball just in time to prevent a goal.
495 dazed - ぼんやりした (形容詞) - After the accident, he stumbled out of the car, dazed and confused.
496 console - 慰める (動詞), コンソール (名詞) - She tried to console her friend after the loss of her pet.
497 spiteful - 意地悪な (形容詞) - Her spiteful comments were intended to hurt others.
498 sanction - 制裁 (名詞), 認可する (動詞) - The United Nations imposed sanctions on the country for violating human rights.
499 influx - 流入 (名詞) - The city experienced an influx of tourists during the summer months.
500 ditch - 溝 (名詞) - The car veered off the road and into a ditch.
501 discharge - 解雇する (動詞), 放出する (動詞) - The hospital discharged him after he showed signs of improvement.
502 charm - 魅力 (名詞), 魅了する (動詞) - His wit and charm made him popular at social gatherings.
503 hinge - ヒンジ (名詞), 重要な要素となる (動詞) - The door creaked as it swung on its rusty hinges.
504 supreme - 最高の (形容詞), 最高裁 (名詞) - She was the supreme authority on the subject, having studied it for years.
505 analogy - 類推、類似 (名詞) - He explained the concept using an analogy to everyday life.
506 sinister - 不吉な (形容詞), 悪魔のような (形容詞) - The abandoned house had a sinister atmosphere that sent shivers down her spine.
507 glorify - 賛美する (動詞) - Some movies glorify violence, which can have negative effects on viewers.
508 dutiful - 義務を果たす (形容詞), 忠実な (形容詞) - She was a dutiful daughter, always ready to help her parents.
509 aimlessly - 目的もなく (副詞) - After losing his job, he wandered aimlessly through the streets.
510 wrinkle - しわ (名詞), しわを寄せる (動詞) - She ironed out the wrinkles in her dress before the party.
511 despise - 軽蔑する (動詞) - He despised injustice and always stood up for what was right.
512 splinter - 砕ける (動詞), 破片 (名詞) - She got a splinter in her finger from the old wooden fence.
513 brace - 支柱 (名詞), 補強する (動詞) - They braced themselves for the storm that was about to hit.
514 blast - 爆発 (名詞), 猛烈な勢い (動詞) - The explosion sent a blast of hot air across the room.
515 mellow - 穏やかな (形容詞), 熟成させる (動詞) - As he grew older, he became more mellow and easygoing.
516 inclination - 傾向 (名詞), 傾けること (動詞) - She had an inclination towards music from a young age.
517 redeem - 贖う (動詞), 挽回する (動詞) - He tried to redeem himself after making a mistake at work.
518 plural - 複数の (形容詞) - In English, most nouns form their plural by adding "-s" or "-es."
519 forsake - 捨てる (動詞), 見捨てる (動詞) - He vowed never to forsake his principles, no matter the cost.
520 retrace - もとの場所に戻る (動詞), 再び描く (動詞) - They retraced their steps to find the lost keys.
521 uptight - 緊張した (形容詞), 堅苦しい (形容詞) - She was feeling uptight before her big presentation at work.
522 inhibit - 抑制する (動詞), 妨げる (動詞) - Fear can inhibit creativity and prevent people from taking risks.
523 taint - 汚染 (名詞), 汚す (動詞) - The scandal tainted his reputation and led to his resignation.
524 discreet - 慎重な (形容詞), 控えめな (形容詞) - She was always discreet about her personal life, keeping it private.
525 wield - (権力・武器など)を行使する (動詞) - He could wield a sword with great skill and precision.
526 dislocate - 脱臼させる (動詞), 位置を変える (動詞) - She fell and dislocated her shoulder during the game.
527 gargle - うがいをする (動詞) - She gargled with salt water to soothe her sore throat.
528 contempt - 軽蔑 (名詞), 無視 (名詞) - He looked at her with contempt, unable to hide his disdain.
529 aggravate - 悪化させる (動詞), 怒らせる (動詞) - Stress can aggravate existing health problems.
530 horrify - ぞっとさせる (動詞), 恐怖を抱かせる (動詞) - The news of the accident horrified everyone in the community.
531 vulgar - 下品な (形容詞), 俗悪な (形容詞) - His jokes were often vulgar and offensive.
532 cordial - 心からの (形容詞), 親切な (形容詞) - Despite their differences, they maintained a cordial relationship.
533 vault - 金庫 (名詞), 跳躍する (動詞) - The treasure was hidden in a secret vault deep underground.
534 dismayed - 動揺した、落胆した (形容詞) - She was dismayed to learn that her flight had been canceled.
535 insight - 洞察力、理解 (名詞) - Her insights into human behavior were highly valued by her colleagues.
536 dismantle - 分解する、解体する (動詞) - They decided to dismantle the old bridge and build a new one in its place.
537 commencement - 開始、始まり (名詞) - The commencement ceremony marked the beginning of a new chapter in their lives.
538 deteriorate - 悪化する (動詞) - If left untreated, the condition of the building will continue to deteriorate.
539 pathetic - 哀れな、情けない (形容詞) - His attempts at humor were pathetic and fell flat every time.
540 perimeter - 周囲、周辺 (名詞) - Security guards patrolled the perimeter of the building to ensure its safety.
541 chunk - 塊、かたまり (名詞) - She broke off a chunk of chocolate and savored it slowly.
542 humble - 謙虚な、卑下する (形容詞、動詞) - Despite his success, he remained humble and down-to-earth.
543 simmer - ぐつぐつ煮る、静かに沸騰する (動詞) - Allow the soup to simmer gently for at least 20 minutes.
544 sterile - 不毛の、殺菌された (形容詞) - The surgical tools must be kept in a sterile environment to prevent infection.
545 dreary - 陰鬱な、退屈な (形容詞) - The weather was cold and dreary, with gray clouds covering the sky.
546 vigilant - 用心深い、警戒している (形容詞) - The security guard remained vigilant throughout the night, watching for any signs of trouble.
547 cumulative - 累積的な、蓄積された (形容詞) - The cumulative effect of years of neglect was evident in the deteriorating condition of the building.
548 enchant - 魅了する、魔法をかける (動詞) - The music seemed to enchant everyone in the room, transporting them to another world.
549 candid - 率直な、公平な (形容詞) - She appreciated his candid feedback, even though it was sometimes difficult to hear.
550 jumble - 寄せ集め、混乱 (名詞、動詞) - The desk was covered in a jumble of papers and office supplies.
551 livestock - 家畜、家畜類 (名詞) - The farmer raised cattle and sheep as part of his livestock.
552 exposure - 曝露、露出 (名詞) - Prolonged exposure to the sun can cause damage to the skin.
553 proponent - 提唱者、支持者 (名詞) - She was a vocal proponent of renewable energy initiatives.
554 council - 議会、評議会 (名詞) - The city council met to discuss the proposed budget for the upcoming fiscal year.
555 extract - 抽出する、引き出す (動詞、名詞) - The dentist had to extract the damaged tooth to prevent further infection.
556 distinct - はっきりした、異なる (形容詞) - Each species has its own distinct characteristics that set it apart from others.
557 extinct - 絶滅した、消えた (形容詞) - The dodo bird is an example of a species that is now extinct.
558 remedy - 治療法、治療薬 (名詞、動詞) - Drinking plenty of fluids is often a simple remedy for dehydration.
559 fraction - 断片、分数 (名詞) - He only ate a fraction of his meal before declaring himself full.
560 legitimate - 合法の、正当な (形容詞) - She provided legitimate proof of her identity to access the secure area.
561 vomit - 嘔吐する、吐く (動詞、名詞) - The child vomited after eating too much candy at the party.
562 viable - 実行可能な、生存可能な (形容詞) - The company needed to come up with a viable plan to turn its finances around.
563 surveillance - 監視、見張り (名詞) - The government conducted surveillance to monitor suspicious activity.
564 specimen - 標本、見本 (名詞) - The scientist collected a specimen of the rare plant for further study.
565 infamous - 悪名高い、評判の悪い (形容詞) - The abandoned house was infamous for being haunted by ghosts.
566 undermine - 弱める、損なう (動詞) - His constant criticism began to undermine her confidence in herself.
567 torture - 拷問する、苦しめる (動詞、名詞) - The prisoners endured hours of torture at the hands of their captors.
568 descent - 下降、降下 (名詞) - The airplane began its descent towards the runway.
569 alienate - 遠ざける、疎遠にする (動詞) - His abrasive personality tended to alienate people rather than endear them to him.
570 submerge - 水中に沈める、没する (動詞) - The submarine began to submerge beneath the surface of the water.
571 errand - 使い走り、使命 (名詞) - She ran a quick errand to the grocery store to pick up some milk.
572 inception - 開始、発端 (名詞) - The company has grown significantly since its inception in the early 2000s.
573 grind - ひく、砕く (動詞、名詞) - She had to grind the coffee beans before she could make herself a cup of coffee.
574 upheaval - 大変動、激変 (名詞) - The political upheaval in the country led to widespread unrest among the population.
575 enact - 制定する、法律を制定する (動詞) - The government is planning to enact new legislation to address the issue.
576 contend - 争う、主張する (動詞) - He had to contend with numerous obstacles on his path to success.
577 projection - 投影、予測 (名詞) - The company presented a financial projection for the next fiscal year.
578 ruthless - 無慈悲な、非情な (形容詞) - The ruthless dictator would stop at nothing to maintain his power.
579 induce - 誘発する、引き起こす (動詞) - Certain foods can induce allergic reactions in some people.
580 recess - 休憩、休会 (名詞) - The children played outside during recess.
581 wholesome - 健全な、健康に良い (形容詞) - She tried to provide her family with wholesome meals made from fresh ingredients.
582 exploit - 開発する、利用する (動詞、名詞) - The company was accused of exploiting its workers by paying them low wages.
583 antiquity - 古代、古物 (名詞) - The museum housed artifacts from antiquity, including ancient pottery and sculptures.
584 hail - ひょう、歓迎する (名詞、動詞) - The crowd began to hail the arrival of their favorite celebrity.
585 manipulate - 操作する、操る (動詞) - She tried to manipulate the situation to her advantage.
586 thesis - 論文、テーゼ (名詞) - She spent months researching and writing her thesis on environmental conservation.
587 swamp - 沼地、沼にはまる (名詞、動詞) - The swamp was teeming with alligators and other wildlife.
588 lofty - 高尚な、高い (形容詞) - He had lofty ambitions of becoming a successful entrepreneur.
589 rite - 儀式、儀礼 (名詞) - The wedding ceremony included traditional rites and rituals.
590 devious - 曲がりくねった、ずるい (形容詞) - He came up with a devious plan to trick his rival and gain an advantage.
591 incessant - 絶え間ない、連続的な (形容詞) - The incessant noise from the construction site made it difficult to concentrate.
592 beckon - 手招きする、招く (動詞) - The distant lights beckoned us towards the end of our journey.
593 quaint - 風変わりな、趣のある (形容詞) - The small town was full of quaint little shops and cafes.
594 erratic - 不規則な、風変わりな (形容詞) - His erratic behavior made it difficult for his colleagues to predict his actions.
595 inanimate - 無生物の、生命のない (形容詞) - The room was filled with inanimate objects, giving it a sense of emptiness.
596 ominous - 不吉な、陰険な (形容詞) - The dark clouds gathering on the horizon were an ominous sign of an approaching storm.
597 deem - ~だと考える、判断する (動詞) - The judge will deem whether the evidence presented is admissible in court.
598 juvenile - 若い、未成年の (形容詞) - His juvenile behavior was a source of frustration for his parents.
599 numb - 無感覚な、麻痺した (形容詞、動詞) - His fingers grew numb from the cold as he waited outside.
600 scam - 詐欺、ぺてん (名詞) - The email turned out to be a scam aimed at stealing personal information.
601 discern - 識別する、見分ける (動詞) - It was difficult to discern the truth from all the conflicting accounts.
602 boundless - 無限の、限りない (形容詞) - Her imagination was boundless, and she could create entire worlds in her mind.
603 repel - 追い払う、忌み嫌う (動詞) - The strong smell of garlic seemed to repel mosquitoes.
604 fumigate - 燻蒸する、消毒する (動詞) - The house was fumigated to get rid of the pests infesting it.
605 majestic - 壮大な、堂々とした (形容詞) - The view from the mountaintop was truly majestic, with sweeping vistas in every direction.
606 upscale - 高級な、上流向けの (形容詞) - The restaurant was known for its upscale atmosphere and gourmet cuisine.
607 sly - ずるい、悪賢い (形容詞) - He gave her a sly smile, knowing that he had gotten away with something.
608 subsistence - 生存、生計 (名詞) - The villagers relied on subsistence farming to provide food for their families.
609 preliminary - 予備の、準備段階の (形容詞) - The team conducted a preliminary investigation before launching a full inquiry.
610 ammunition - 弾薬、武器 (名詞) - The soldiers were running low on ammunition and needed to resupply.
611 sprout - 芽、発芽する (名詞、動詞) - New plants began to sprout from the freshly tilled soil.
612 showdown - 対決、決着 (名詞) - The political showdown between the two candidates drew a large audience.
613 amnesty - 恩赦、特赦 (名詞) - The government granted amnesty to political prisoners as part of a peace agreement.
614 ferocious - 凶暴な、獰猛な (形容詞) - The ferocious lion roared loudly, asserting its dominance over the savannah.
615 swerve - 急に方向を変える、そらす (動詞、名詞) - The driver had to swerve to avoid hitting the deer that suddenly appeared on the road.
616 clause - 条項、節 (名詞) - The contract included a clause specifying the terms of termination.
617 constellation - 星座、星群 (名詞) - We gazed up at the night sky, trying to pick out familiar constellations.
618 haunt - 出没する、付きまとう (動詞、名詞) - The memories of his past mistakes continued to haunt him.
619 delirious - はんらんした、興奮した (形容詞) - The fever made her delirious, and she started speaking incoherently.
620 blissful - 至福の、幸福な (形容詞) - They spent a blissful afternoon lying in the sun on the beach.
621 abstract - 抽象的な、抽象物 (形容詞、名詞) - The painting was abstract, with bold colors and geometric shapes.
622 admonish - 忠告する、戒める (動詞) - She admonished her children for not cleaning up their toys.
623 incriminate - 有罪を示す、告発する (動詞) - The evidence seemed to incriminate him in the theft.
624 vicinity - 近所、周辺 (名詞) - There were no other houses in the vicinity, so they enjoyed complete privacy.
625 falsify - 偽造する、改ざんする (動詞) - He was accused of falsifying his qualifications on his job application.
626 eerie - 不気味な、気味悪い (形容詞) - The abandoned house had an eerie feeling, as if it were haunted.
627 envoy - 使節、外交官 (名詞) - The ambassador sent an envoy to deliver the message to the foreign government.
628 immovable - 動かない、不動の (形容詞) - The boulder was immovable, despite their best efforts to push it out of the way.
629 gratitude - 感謝の気持ち、謝意 (名詞) - She expressed her gratitude to her friends for their support during a difficult time.
630 disperse - 分散する、散らす (動詞) - The crowd began to disperse after the concert ended.
631 invincible - 無敵の、打ち負かせない (形容詞) - The superhero seemed invincible, able to withstand any attack.
632 comprise - 構成する、含む (動詞) - The team is comprised of players from all over the world.
633 probe - 探査する、調査する (動詞、名詞) - The detective tried to probe the suspect for information.
634 paralyze - 麻痺させる、麻痺 (動詞、名詞) - Fear seemed to paralyze her, preventing her from taking action.
635 annotation - 注釈、注釈付け (名詞) - She made annotations in the margins of her textbook to help her study.
636 menace - 脅威、脅す (名詞、動詞) - The dark clouds on the horizon were a menace, threatening to ruin their picnic.
637 detachment - 分離、離脱 (名詞) - He tried to maintain an air of detachment, even though he was deeply affected by the situation.
638 gaudy - 派手な、けばけばしい (形容詞) - The decorations were bright and gaudy, overwhelming the senses.
639 agonize - 苦しむ、苦悩 (動詞、名詞) - She agonized over the decision, unsure of what to do.
640 fracture - 骨折、破裂 (名詞、動詞) - The X-ray revealed a fracture in his arm, which would require a cast.
641 corrode - 腐食する、蝕む (動詞) - Over time, the metal railing began to corrode due to exposure to the elements.
642 holistic - 全体的な、全体主義の (形容詞) - The holistic approach to medicine considers the physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being of the patient.
643 dilution - 希釈、薄めること (名詞) - The dilution of the solution weakened its effectiveness.
644 stunt - 特技、身長が低い (名詞、形容詞) - The actor performed his own stunts in the movie, risking life and limb for the sake of authenticity.
645 perspire - 汗をかく、発汗する (動詞) - She began to perspire as she ran, feeling the sweat trickling down her back.
646 sublime - 崇高な、すばらしい (形容詞) - The view from the mountaintop was truly sublime, with breathtaking vistas stretching out in every direction.
647 renounce - 放棄する、断念する (動詞) - He decided to renounce his claim to the throne and live a life of simplicity.
648 referral - 紹介、推薦 (名詞) - She received a referral from her doctor to see a specialist about her condition.
649 admiration - 賞賛、感嘆 (名詞) - She looked at him with admiration, proud of his accomplishments.
650 constraint - 制約、束縛 (名詞) - The tight deadline was a constraint that made it difficult to complete the project on time.
651 mundane - 平凡な、日常の (形容詞) - His job involved performing mundane tasks like data entry and filing.
652 unravel - 解明する、解ける (動詞) - As she read the mystery novel, she tried to unravel the clues to solve the case.
653 inept - 不適切な、不器用な (形容詞) - He was an inept leader, unable to inspire confidence or make effective decisions.
654 imposing - 堂々とした、威厳のある (形容詞) - The imposing building dominated the skyline, its towering spires reaching towards the heavens.
655 incisive - 鋭い、切れ味のある (形容詞) - Her incisive analysis of the problem helped the team identify the root cause.
656 brag - 自慢する、ほこる (動詞、名詞) - He couldn't help but brag about his accomplishments, even when no one asked.
657 entice - 誘惑する、引きつける (動詞) - The smell of freshly baked bread enticed customers into the bakery.
658 disdain - 軽蔑、見下す (名詞、動詞) - She looked at him with disdain, unable to hide her contempt.
659 congregate - 集まる、集合する (動詞、名詞) - People began to congregate in the town square, eager to hear the announcement.
660 improvise - 即興で作る、即興演奏する (動詞) - He had to improvise a solution using whatever materials he had on hand.
661 instrumental - 重要な、楽器の (形容詞) - Her leadership was instrumental in guiding the team to success.
662 transient - 一時的な、移り変わりやすい (形容詞) - The transient nature of their relationship meant that it was unlikely to last.
663 typify - 典型的である、代表する (動詞) - His behavior typified the arrogance of someone who had never faced consequences for their actions.
664 alignment - 整列、調整 (名詞) - The alignment of the planets only occurs once every few decades.
665 banish - 追放する、追い払う (動詞) - He was banished from the kingdom for his treasonous actions.
666 condemn - 非難する、有罪とする (動詞) - The government issued a statement condemning the use of violence to achieve political goals.
667 detonate - 爆発する、爆破する (動詞) - The bomb was set to detonate at any moment, causing panic among the crowd.
668 emulate - 真似る、匹敵する (動詞) - He tried to emulate his father's success by following in his footsteps.
669 repeal - 廃止する、取り消す (動詞、名詞) - The law was repealed after widespread public outcry against its implementation.
670 disprove - 反証する、否定する (動詞) - The scientist set out to disprove the theory using rigorous experimentation.
671 utensil - 道具、器具 (名詞) - She reached for a utensil to stir the soup simmering on the stove.
672 adrift - 流れ着いて、漂流して (形容詞、副詞) - The boat was adrift in the open sea, with no land in sight.
673 instigate - 扇動する、けしかける (動詞) - He was known to instigate arguments among his friends for his own amusement.
674 thrust - 突き刺す、押し付ける (動詞、名詞) - She thrust the letter into his hands, eager for him to read its contents.
675 swarm - 群れ、群がる (名詞、動詞) - A swarm of bees descended upon the picnic, sending everyone running for cover.
676 unperturbed - 平静な、動じない (形容詞) - Despite the chaos around her, she remained unperturbed, focused on her task.
677 soothe - 和らげる、なだめる (動詞) - She tried to soothe the crying baby by rocking him gently in her arms.
678 crest - 頂点、山頂 (名詞、動詞) - The wave reached its crest before crashing onto the shore with a thunderous roar.
679 revoke - 取り消す、無効にする (動詞) - The judge had the power to revoke his bail if he violated the terms of his release.
680 assimilate - 同化する、吸収する (動詞) - It took her some time to assimilate to the culture of her new country.
681 dispel - 追い払う、晴らす (動詞) - She tried to dispel the rumors circulating about her by setting the record straight.
682 condiment - 調味料、味付け (名詞) - The table was set with a variety of condiments to accompany the meal.
683 futile - 無駄な、くだらない (形容詞) - His attempts to fix the broken machine were futile, and he eventually gave up.
684 saturate - 飽和させる、浸透させる (動詞) - The rain began to saturate the ground, turning it into a muddy mess.
685 eradicate - 根絶する、撲滅する (動詞) - The government launched a campaign to eradicate malaria from the country.
686 muddle - もうろく、混乱させる (名詞、動詞) - His instructions were so confusing that they only served to muddle the situation further.
687 reckon - 推測する、計算する (動詞) - She tried to reckon with the enormity of the task ahead of her.
688 ingest - 摂取する、飲み込む (動詞) - It's important to be careful about what you ingest, especially when traveling to foreign countries.
689 reminiscent - 思い起こさせる、連想させる (形容詞) - The old photograph was reminiscent of happier times.
690 alternative - 代替の、選択肢 (形容詞、名詞) - She considered alternative options before making a decision.
691 detect - 検出する、見つける (動詞) - The security system was able to detect intruders before they could enter the building.
692 immune - 免疫の、免疫力を持つ (形容詞) - Some people seem to be immune to the flu virus and rarely get sick.
693 prey - 獲物、犠牲者 (名詞、動詞) - The lion stalked its prey, waiting for the perfect moment to strike.
694 applicant - 応募者、志願者 (名詞) - She was a strong applicant for the job, with years of experience in the field.
695 toxic - 有毒な、毒性のある (形容詞) - The chemicals were toxic and needed to be handled with care.
696 supervise - 監督する、管理する (動詞) - The manager will supervise the construction project to ensure it stays on schedule.
697 pottery - 陶器、陶芸 (名詞) - She enjoyed making pottery in her spare time, finding it both relaxing and creative.
698 forbid - 禁止する、許さない (動詞) - Her parents forbade her from going to the party, citing safety concerns.
699 theft - 盗難、窃盗 (名詞) - The police investigated the theft of valuable artwork from the museum.
700 outbreak - 発生、流行 (名詞) - The health department responded quickly to contain the outbreak of food poisoning.
701 vegetation - 植物、草木 (名詞) - The dense vegetation made it difficult to see more than a few feet ahead.
702 implement - 実施する、道具 (動詞、名詞) - The government plans to implement new policies to address climate change.
703 burial - 埋葬、葬式 (名詞) - The funeral procession made its way to the cemetery for the burial.
704 likewise - 同様に、同じように (副詞) - She decided to wear a hat, and her friend did likewise.
705 strand - 細い糸、座礁する (名詞、動詞) - The beach was lined with golden strands of sand, stretching out as far as the eye could see.
706 legislation - 法律、立法 (名詞) - The proposed legislation aimed to regulate the use of social media platforms.
707 sewage - 下水、汚水 (名詞) - The city implemented a new system for treating sewage to protect the environment.
708 cuisine - 料理、料理法 (名詞) - She enjoyed experimenting with different cuisines from around the world.
709 accomplishment - 達成、業績 (名詞) - Graduating from college was her proudest accomplishment.
710 livelihood - 生計、生活手段 (名詞) - Fishing was their primary livelihood, providing food and income for their families.
711 straightforward - 簡単な、率直な (形容詞) - The instructions were straightforward and easy to follow.
712 indigenous - 土着の、先住の (形容詞) - The indigenous people of the region have lived there for thousands of years.
713 roam - 歩き回る、放浪する (動詞) - The children were allowed to roam freely around the neighborhood.
714 dairy - 乳製品、酪農 (名詞) - The dairy produced fresh milk and cheese from its own cows.
715 lawsuit - 訴訟、訴え (名詞) - She filed a lawsuit against the company for wrongful termination.
716 chronic - 慢性の、長期にわたる (形容詞) - The patient suffered from chronic pain that made it difficult to perform everyday tasks.
717 clinical - 臨床の、クリニカル (形容詞) - The doctor conducted a clinical examination to assess the patient's condition.
718 kidnap - 誘拐する、拉致する (動詞) - The criminals planned to kidnap the heiress and demand a ransom for her safe return.
719 firsthand - 直接の、直接に得た (形容詞) - She had firsthand experience of the dangers of climbing mountains.
720 consistency - 一貫性、均一性 (名詞) - The key to success is consistency in your efforts, day in and day out.
721 eligible - 適格な、資格のある (形容詞) - She was eligible for a promotion after completing her probationary period.
722 intermediate - 中間の、中級の (形容詞) - The course is designed for intermediate-level students who already have a basic understanding of the subject.
723 invaluable - 非常に貴重な、あてになる (形容詞) - His advice was invaluable, helping me navigate through a difficult situation.
724 latitude - 緯度、余地 (名詞) - He was given a lot of latitude to make decisions on his own.
725 peer - 仲間、同僚 (名詞、動詞) - She looked around nervously, searching for a friendly peer to sit with in the crowded cafeteria.
726 outset - 始まり、発端 (名詞) - From the outset, it was clear that the project would be challenging.
727 acclaim - 賞賛、絶賛 (名詞、動詞) - The artist received widespread acclaim for her latest masterpiece.
728 criterion - 基準、基準点 (名詞) - The selection process was based on several key criteria, including experience and qualifications.
729 comprehensive - 包括的な、総合的な (形容詞) - The report provided a comprehensive overview of the company's financial performance.
730 prerequisite - 必要条件、前提条件 (名詞) - A college degree is often seen as a prerequisite for many high-paying jobs.
731 humiliate - 屈辱を与える、恥をかかせる (動詞) - He felt humiliated by the public criticism of his work.
732 rigorous - 厳格な、厳密な (形容詞) - The training program was rigorous and demanding, pushing participants to their limits.
733 strenuous - 激しい、きつい (形容詞) - Climbing the mountain was a strenuous activity that required both physical and mental endurance.
734 premise - 前提、仮定 (名詞) - The argument is based on the false premise that all teenagers are lazy and irresponsible.
735 impersonal - 客観的な、冷淡な (形容詞) - The letter she received from the company was cold and impersonal, lacking any personal touch.
736 speculation - 推測、憶測 (名詞) - There was much speculation about the cause of the accident, but no definitive answers.
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